Guidance & Counseling Units

The Comprehensive Guidance Program curriculum framework is organized around three strands, Personal and Social Development, Academic Development and Career Development. These sample guidance units and lessons represent a complete set of units for each element of the guidance standards, K-12.
Content Area:
Guidance & Counseling
Career Clusters:
Education & Training

Guidance & Counseling Units
DocumentStandard Grade
Guidance & Counseling Grade Level ExpectationsPublished 2013. File last modified 2007-09-14.  projectDOC All
All Sample Guidance UnitsPublished 2013. File last modified 2013-09-25. pdf16.7MB All
Academic DevelopmentAD4 AD5 AD6MORE All
Career DevelopmentCD7 CD8 CD9MORE All
Personal & Social DevelopmentPS1 PS2 PS3MORE All
All Elementary Guidance UnitsPublished 2013. File last modified 2013-09-25. pdf12.6MB ELEM
All Middle School Guidance UnitsPublished 2013. File last modified 2013-09-25. pdf3.1MB MS
All High School Guidance UnitsPublished 2013. File last modified 2013-09-25. pdf1.5MB HS
Unit TemplatePublished 2013. File last modified 2007-01-30.  doc41KB  
Lesson TemplatePublished 2013. File last modified 2007-01-30.  doc54KB  
Supplemental Guidance and Counseling LessonsPublished 2013. File last modified 2012-09-11.  projectDOC All
Gender Equity LessonsPublished 2013. File last modified 2012-03-14.  projectDOC All


Also consider these resources from MCCE: